Apr 30, 2021

30 social justice organizations to participate in the Chat for Impact Summit powered by WhatsApp

The 30 organizations chosen to take part in the upcoming Chat for Impact Summit powered by WhatsApp have been announced.

The organizations are based in more than a dozen countries including Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, India, Nigeria, South Africa, Indonesia, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Belgium and the United States. Out of the several hundred that applied, the 30 successful organizations span a diversity of social impact terrains including affordable healthcare, community-based legal services, social safety, community engagement, education, mental health and human rights. During the Summit, a panel of judges will select 10 high-impact organizations to join the Accelerator, with each receiving financial support (of up to $50,000 each) and mentorship.

Through an intense program of powerful keynote speakers, insightful and inspiring panels and training, the 30 organizations will be able to advance their goals of addressing societal issues using WhatsApp as a private and secure communication tool. Principal at Black Futures Lab, author of The Purpose of Power and co-creator of #BlackLivesMatter, Alicia Garza, will be the keynote speaker for the Summit’sAmerica’s programme while human rights activist and co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize, Nadia Murad ,will be the keynote speaker during the Summit’s EMEA/APAC programme.

The Chat for Impact Summit is powered by WhatsApp and presented in partnership with tech non-profit Praekelt.org, the social change platform, Turn.io, and global development community media platform, Devex. The initiative was devised with the aim of supporting and accelerating the work that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are doing to provide vulnerable, disempowered and minority communities with easy and secure access to vital information and support via WhatsApp. It is being hosted by Turn.io, a platform incubated by Praekelt.org to build world-class software products for social impact organizations that manage and automate conversations to improve lives.

The full list of participants include:

Asaan Taleem

ATTAC - Aim to Terminate Tobacco and Cancer Society

Basic Rights Watch

Center for Dissemination of Economic Knowledge for Freedom (CEDICE Libertad)


Digify Africa

Equalize Health


Global Voices

Go Laadli



Law Centres Network


Mobile Pathways

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Pomogi.Org Charity Foundation

Prestasi Junior Indonesia


Red Dot Foundation


Social Income



Tech Equalized (DBAs Voices Of Venezuela, Art For Impact)

TeenSmart International

Transmedia Communications Ltd

Turn The Bus



For more information on the Chat for Impact Summit click here

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