Turn.io provides a 99.95% Uptime commitment for customers on a paid plan. This is our service level agreement. If we fail to deliver this 99.95% uptime commitment and your organisation on Turn.io is affected, we will apply a service credit to your account for use in the future.
To view our current and historical uptime, visit our externally monitored status page at https://status.turn.io .
Downtime is the amount of minutes that your number was inaccessible during a calendar month.
Turn.io uses 3rd party services to monitor the uptime of Turn.io services at https://app.turn.io and https://whatsapp.turn.io. The monitor measures uptime by testing the availability and responsiveness of the HTTPS endpoints of the APIs and user interfaces every minute.
When downtime happens, automated alerts are triggered and escalated to the relevant Turn.io team members who are on standby.
Downtime excludes:
Uptime means total number of minutes in a month, minus the number of Downtime minutes suffered from all Downtime Periods in a month, divided by the total number of minutes in a month. Our commitment is to maintain at least 99.95% uptime per month.
Occasionally we will need to perform some maintenance or housekeeping tasks to ensure that Turn.io keeps operating as intended.
If the maintenance work requires downtime, we will notify you via email 24 hours ahead of time.
If we fail to deliver on our uptime commitment, we'll apply a credit to each affected organisation equal to 10 times the amount that the organisation paid during the period that Turn.io was down. As an example; if Turn.io suffers 10 minutes of downtime, Turn will refund 10x10 minutes service credits. These are called service credits.
Service credits are not refunds, they can only be used within Turn.io, cannot be exchanged into cash amount and are capped at a maximum of 30 days of paid service. Service credits require you to have paid any outstanding invoices and expire upon termination of your contract. Service credits are the sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Turn.io to meet its obligations under this service level agreement.
Downtime may not affect all clients in the same ways. As a result some organisations may receive service credits during an outage when other organisations may not.
As Turn.io evolves as a business, we may change our service level agreement. The most recent service level agreement will always be published on this web page.