Capacitando organizações a usarem o chat para a capacitação economica de mulheres.

O que esperar de

The first Chat for Impact: GenAI Accelerator will amplify the impact of ten organizations, assisting them in creating and implementing innovative LLM-powered chat solutions in the fields of education, healthcare, and economic mobility.

This 8-week program is designed to explore and harness the potential of Generative AI, utilizing GenAI techniques to expedite the design, testing, launch, and secure scaling of AI-supported chat solutions.

Throughout the program, participants will engage in weekly lessons encompassing topics such as crafting impactful AI-supported chat services with LLMs, ensuring AI safety and equity, measuring and evaluating impact, scaling solutions, and addressing technical considerations.

The GenAI accelerator will culminate in a Demo Day where the cohort will present their AI-supported chat solutions to the wider Chat for Impact Community and potential investors, showcasing the outcome of their innovation and efforts.

Accelerator Benefits

Selected organizations in the program will have access to:
Grant funding to the value of $ 35,000 with a further $ 50,000 each for the top three best-performing organizations.
Access to a share of $ 500,000 in OpenAI API credits
Technical, strategic and governance support from expert advisors at OpenAI and
Mentorship & guidance as they build their AI-enabled chat service
Peer learning opportunities from the broader Chat for Impact Accelerator Alumni
Post-program support to sustain and grow momentum software license for six months valued at $ 3,000

Quem deve se inscrever?

    Empresas sociais que desejam acelerar o crescimento e o impacto de seus serviços de bate-papo com orientação, orientação e suporte prático à implementaçã, education and economic mobility with a well-defined theory of change or business case.

    Organizations should be committed to leveraging AI to support a secure, private and personalized chat service.

    They should demonstrate a strong commitment to building real-world applications and possess the organizational capacity to engage in the accelerator program and sustain the service long-term.

    Candidates for the program need to have existing digital services in production (not necessarily AI-powered).

    Selection Criteria

      The following criteria will be of importance:

      Proven track record in scaling social impact solutions.

      Business Case / Theory of Change for how AI chat solutions will drive positive change.

      Working in the Education, Health or Economic Mobility sectors.

      Willingness to use WhatsApp for their chat service.

      Organisational Capacity to develop and manage the chat service.

      Business strategy for sustaining impact after the accelerator.

      Has an existing digital service or has prior experience in digital services (AI not required).

      Alumni Testimonials

      “O Chat for Women's Livelihoods Accelerator trata de capacitar organizações a aproveitar a tecnologia de chat, abrindo novos caminhos para o avanço econômico das mulheres. Acreditamos que quando as mulheres prosperam, as comunidades florescem e estamos entusiasmados em ver como essas seis organizações usarão os serviços de bate-papo do WhatsApp para quebrar barreiras, criar oportunidades e promover mudanças significativas.”
      Aditi Dimri, PhD
      Co Founder Cranberry Fit
      Pippa Yeats, cofundadora,
      Co Founder Cranberry Fit

      Datas importantes

      Prazo de inscrição:
      31 de janeiro
      Programa acelerador:
      Fevereiro de 24 a julho de 25

      Mentores do programa

      Pippa Yeats
      Diretor de Estratégia
      Especialista em mudança comportamental, design de serviços e gênero.
      Lieze Langford
      Chefe de aceleradores
      Líder do Programa Accelerator e especialista em entrar no mercado.
      Nathan Begbie
      Engenheiro de IA e soluções
      Especialista em dados e integrações de modelos de aprendizado de máquina de grandes idiomas.
      Vítor Cairoli
      Suporte corporativo
      Suporte dedicado no produto
      Indrani Védula
      Líder da parceria de impacto
      Líder da parceria entre APAC e EMEA.
      Manish Manohar
      Engenheiro de soluções
      Engenharia de soluções e integrações técnicas para serviços de chat.
      Titânia Veda
      Designer de conversação
      Especialista em comunicação e design de conteúdo.
      Alex Nawar
      Member of the Global Affairs Team - OpenAI
      AI partnerships & program design.
      Kai Chen
      Member of the Technical Staff, Applied Research - Open AI
      AI research for socially beneficial use cases
      Design and Content Design expert.
      "We’re thrilled to announce the Chat for Impact: GenAI Accelerator at a time of immense potential for innovative AI-supported chat solutions that can push the boundaries and make meaningful conversations more efficient, streamlined and scalable to transform lives positively. Through the programme, we're empowering impact organizations to develop more personalized services that can positively transform people’s lives and safely scale, making a lasting difference in education, health, and economic mobility."
      Gustav Praekelt
      CO-founder, TURN.IO
      Estamos ansiosos para ampliar o impacto da mudança juntos — para aqueles que mais precisam dela.

      Ex-participantes do Chat for Impact Accelerator

      Perguntas frequentes
      Quem deve se inscrever?
      • Organizações que trabalham no Quênia, Índia, Paquistão, Bangladesh, Etiópia, Uganda, Senegal e Nigéria estão convidadas a se inscrever.
      • O processo de seleção enfatiza um forte caso comercial/teoria de mudança para usar o chat para beneficiar mulheres empreendedoras de baixa renda ou mulheres na força de trabalho.
      • Organizações que aumentam as habilidades de negócios fornecem educação, acesso a mercados digitais e ferramentas de pagamento, bem como aquelas que fornecem saúde mental essencial ou apoio de saúde para mulheres trabalhadoras e microempreendedoras, são convidadas a se inscrever.
      • Estamos particularmente interessados naqueles que trabalham para reduzir as disparidades de gênero.

      Precisamos usar o WhatsApp ou já ter um serviço/bot de mensagens?

      Yes. It is a pre-requirement that you have a Live WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) on the WhatsApp Business Platform (API) before the commencement of the Accelerator. can assist with onboarding if needed. Applicants for the programme should have an existing digital service (not necessarily AI-powered).

      Nosso programa precisa estar em uma escala específica?

      We prefer organizations with a live WhatsApp Business Account and are ready or have the ability to scale via WhatsApp.

      The Chat for Impact Accelerator exclusively targets the development of services for the WhatsApp Business Platform (API).

      Precisamos ter tudo resolvido ainda?

      Certainly not, but we need to be confident that you have a committed and agile team with a suitable starting point and the tenacity and ability to iterate and learn. You will receive input during the 8-week accelerator to help you grow and achieve your goals. We are interested in why you are the right team to support and invest in.

      Precisamos operar em países específicos?

      No, but we prefer organizations with the most significant impact and that operate in countries where WhatsApp is socially well-adopted and actively used.

      Precisamos ter programas em diferentes idiomas ou em um único idioma?

      Não importa quantos idiomas você opera, mas é importante que seu programa tenha um roteiro claro sobre quem está servindo e por que você está fazendo isso em idiomas específicos.

      Precisamos ser especialistas em tecnologia para sermos considerados?

      No, both small and big, tech-savvy or new-to-digital organizations can use WhatsApp successfully. You must have a strong business case/theory of change for using digital messaging such as WhatsApp.

      However applicants for the programme should have an existing digital service (not necessarily AI-powered).

      Com o que estamos nos comprometendo?
      O Programa Acelerador de 18 meses consiste em 3 elementos principais.
      • Sessão de estratégia de design de serviços de 1 x 2 horas
      • 2 x 1 hora Sessões de estratégia de entrada no mercado
      • Attend weekly Office hours with expert team members. (30 -60 min per session)
      • Complete all pre-work assignments before each session. It should take 1-2 hours to complete.
      • Complete all homework assignments during the Accelerator period.
      • The end goal of the Accelerator is to demo your WhatsApp use case to a selected audience and complete a case study to share learnings.
      • Preparing for this will require time outside of the Accelerator hours. Therefore, plan to design and build your demo at least 1-2 hours daily.

      Quem em nossa equipe deve comparecer?

      A combinação ideal é um líder de negócios (ou seja, um membro da equipe com foco estratégico e capacidade de tomada de decisão) e um líder técnico (ou seja, um membro da equipe operacional e prático responsável pela implementação do seu serviço).

      Mais de dois membros da equipe podem participar?

      Yes, organizations are encouraged to have a core team of at least two members for consistent attendance, but you can invite additional team members to specific sessions as needed.

      Quais são os requisitos de frequência?

      Apart from the time commitment explained above, you will require a computer with internet access and sufficient data to attend all virtual sessions on a conference tool such as Zoom. Ideally, your connection and data will allow you to attend the sessions with your video on.

      A inscrição em uma conta da API WhatsApp Business é obrigatória após o Accelerator?

      It is a selection criteria to have a live WABA account. So please note that your application will only be selected if you have an existing WABA. If a WhatsApp service is not a strategic objective for your organization for 2024, then there will be other opportunities to apply for another accelerator when your organization is ready.

      Podemos nos inscrever se estivermos usando ou planejando usar o aplicativo WhatsApp Business (não a API)?

      The Chat for Impact Accelerator exclusively targets the development of services for the WhatsApp Business Platform (API).

      For organizations engaging with a large number of users, leveraging the WhatsApp Business API alongside can optimize and enhance chat messaging. This Accelerator is designed to assist you in efficiently planning, automating, personalizing, and managing your messaging, enabling more meaningful conversations as you scale.

      What is a Business Service Provider (BSP)?

      Business Service Providers (BSPs) are third-party solution providers with expertise in the WhatsApp Business API. BSPs, like, can help you communicate with your customers on WhatsApp for the approved use cases of customer support and time-sensitive, personalized notifications.

      Precisamos usar o como um BSP? is hosting the Chat for GenAI Accelerator, and you will receive a Turn License for the duration of the Accelerator. All hands-on sessions and the building of your chatbot will be on the platform. For this purpose, you must use as your Business Solution Provider (BSP) after the Accelerator.

      O que é a API do WhatsApp Business e por que selecioná-la como meio de comunicação?

      The WhatsApp Business API powers communication with users worldwide so that you can connect with them on WhatsApp in a simple, secure, and reliable way.

      The WhatsApp Business API is a paid product. However, as part of the Accelerator, you will be granted a subsidized license for up to 6 months; further use of the API may result in monthly fees and/or messaging fees.

      Que tipo de mensagem é permitido na API do WhatsApp Business?

      O WhatsApp foi projetado para mensagens simples, seguras e confiáveis. Isso inclui comunicação individual e chatbots com um caminho claro de escalonamento até um ser humano. Por favor, consulte o Política de comércio do WhatsApp e Política comercial do WhatsApp para se familiarizar com os tipos de mensagens que são e não são permitidos na API do WhatsApp Business.

      Outro Chat for Impact Accelerators será hospedado?

      We may or may not do this in the future again. Follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date with Accelerator news.

      We were part of a previous Accelerator cohort. Can we apply?

      Unfortunately if you are an Accelerator Alumni, your application will not be considered.

      Já somos clientes do; podemos nos inscrever?

      Yes, you are welcome to apply.

      Quais são os principais fatores que serão considerados na seleção?

      Ideal applicants are social impact organizations working in health, education and economic mobility with a well-defined theory of change or business case. They should be committed to leveraging AI to support a secure, private, personalized WhatsApp chat service. Candidates should demonstrate a strong commitment to building real-world chat applications and possess the organizational capacity to participate in the accelerator programme and sustain the chat service long-term. Applicants for the program should have an existing digital service (not necessarily AI-powered).

      Por que nossa inscrição não foi bem-sucedida?

      There is no straightforward answer to this question as there are various factors, and the program is highly competitive, e.g. if you didn’t answer all the questions or did not follow the application guidelines.

      Não tivemos sucesso, ainda podemos começar a usar o WhatsApp?

      Nothing stops you from applying for a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) through any Business Service Provider (BSP), including, or from starting to use the WhatsApp Business App.

      Furthermore, if we host another Chat for Impact Accelerator and Summit,  you are welcome to apply again.

      Você dá feedback sobre os resultados da inscrição?

      Você receberá nossa comunicação por e-mail sobre se você teve sucesso ou não. No entanto, não forneceremos feedback detalhado sobre por que sua inscrição foi bem-sucedida ou malsucedida.

      When do applications close?

      All applications received by midnight on the 31st of March 2024 will be considered.